Welcome to our Hope Boutique & our Teen Shopping Days!
Between large events, we open our Hope Boutique two days a week so that Social Workers and court appointed special advocates (“CASAs”) can schedule an appointment to come and select new clothing, shoes, hygiene essentials and luggage on behalf of the highest need children that they supervise.
Recognizing the unique needs of older foster youth, Hope in a Suitcase additionally hosts 6 - 10 free-of-charge Shopping Days per year, where eligible tweens and teens, with a referral and CONFIRMED appointment can come shop with our volunteers to choose for themselves the ALL NEW items they want and need.
For young people who often feel like they at the mercy of other people’s decisions, an opportunity to exercise control over their selections is visibly transformative. For many of the youth served, this is the first time they have ever received brand new clothing.
Take a look at our Shopping Days video to help visualize the fun experience!
Read below for logistical details for Boutique Appointments & Shopping Events.
Onsite visitors are invited to fill an entire suitcase or duffel bag with new clothes, including new jeans, shoes, hygiene products, comfort items and special occasion attire. Hope in a Suitcase schedules appointments for eligible youth through Social Workers & CASAs only. Children must have an open case with DCFS to be eligible.
If the children in your care are in need of clothing, please check the eligibility requirements below and ask your SOCIAL WORKER or CASA to email us directly so that they can visit our Boutique or refer your teens to our next Shopping Day.
2025 appointments will be offered on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 10am/12:30pm. If you are a SOCIAL WORKER or a CASA who would like to come pull items for the children you supervise (infant - age 17) who are in transition or otherwise in need of clothing, please email tami@hopeinasuitcase.org.
Social Workers & CASAs, if you would like to refer eligible TWEENS & TEENS you serve to our next Shopping Day, please email info@hopeinasuitcase.org to be added to our outreach list. We will email the Flyer and the link to the Event's GoogleDoc Referral Form about 3-4 weeks prior to the next scheduled event. A separate appointment request form must be submitted for each child.
Location: Shopping Events are held at The Emporium: Foster Resource & Literacy Center, located on W. Washington Blvd, near the Fairfax / Washington exit of the 10 Freeway.
Basic Essentials Received: Click here for a Sample Menu of what youth can generally select from at our Shopping Events. Please note that availability of items varies.
To be eligible for a Hope in a Suitcase Shopping Event children must:
1) have an open case with DCFS;
2) be between the ages of 8 - 17/18 (scroll down for younger siblings and TAY);
3) be Referred by his or her Social Worker or CASA;
4) have a Confirmed Appointment;
5) be accompanied by a Caregiver or CASA.
At least 6 months must have passed since the child's prior visit to a Hope in a Suitcase "Shopping Event."
Our goal is to provide a special and personalized experience for each of our Guests. Please understand that SPACE IS LIMITED. Schedule early for first choice of times and dates.
Referring parties, please use good judgement and refrain from referring children who have had a recent history of behavioral problems which require increased supervision, who may not be comfortable shopping with the help of our volunteers or who may present a danger to themselves or other children. If this is the case, please contact Hope in a Suitcase and a Boutique Appointment can be scheduled for you to come pull items to meet their needs.
Hope in a Suitcase's Tween & Teen Shopping events are focused on Tweens & Teens ages 8 - 17/18 (highschool).
Younger siblings ages 6-7 often CAN be accommodated, IF they are also referred by the Social Worker AND if they are coming with an eligible Tween or Teen Guest (e.g. older sibling aged 8 - 17) who has a confirmed appointment. Our Shopping Days are not designed for very young children, but Social Workers & CASA’s are invited to visit our Boutique during the week to pull items for high need children ages infant - 17/18 (highschool).
Transition Age Youth (18 - approximately 24) who are in need of both casual and "wear to work" items and other essentials may make an appointment with, Make Good, Inc. to visit the TAY BOUTIQUE. Guests at the TAY Boutique are not required to be accompanied by a caregiver. To schedule a weekday appointment TAY Boutique, youth may email them directly at info@makegoodinc.org.